The Human Resource Officer is responsible for managing all HR operations and ensuring the effective execution of HR processes and policies. The HR Officer plays a crucial role in promoting a positive organizational culture, supporting staff, and ensuring that the company adheres to HR best practices and legal requirements
Key Duties/Responsibilities
Facilitate the maintenance of the Human Resources sections of company information and keep up-to-date employee-related databases for both physical and electronic records.
Manage the hiring process and implement recruitment strategies to attract top talent while liaising with the Head-Human Resources in ensuring line managers hire within the stipulated policies.
Serve as a point of contact for employee concerns, grievances, and conflicts, ensuring they are addressed promptly and fairly.
Facilitate the implementation of performance review systems and processes through communication, assisting line managers review Job Descriptions, Key Performance Indicators, performance Appraisal Tools, performance development (Improvement) plans (PDPs), and employee development programs.
Collaborate with the Head-Human Resources in developing and updating HR policies and procedures in line with company objectives and legislative requirements and communicate them to staff and ensure proper understanding and adherence across the organization.
Participate actively in administering employee compensation, benefits, and incentive programs.
Identify training and development needs across the organization, coordinate training programs, workshops, and seminars to support employee growth and skill development and track the effectiveness of training initiatives.
Gather and track all data reports on all the HR-related reporting areas as agreed with the Head of Human Resources and further implement decisions arising from the HR reports.
Academic and Professional Qualifications and experience required
Bachelor's degree in human resources management or Certified Human Resource Professional (CHRP) certification
At least Three (3) years of experience managing HR processes in a labor- intensive and Unionisable environment.
Minimum two (2) years of hands-on work experience in any HRMIS.