HIAS seeks to recruit 6 Protection Monitors who will assist in provision of social interventions and assistance to the most at risk and vulnerable refugees:
Identify, monitor, verify and document refugees' human rights violations and protection risks in the community.
Collect data on protection issues using standardized tools and methodologies on KOBO Tool.
Conduct regular visits in the community to monitor the protection situation of refugees and other vulnerable groups.
Participate in community awareness and dissemination of information to members of the community.
Conduct follow-ups on red flag protection-related issues.
Highlight trends and protection needs in reporting to the Protection Officer and Protection Associates
Work closely with the Protection Associate to offer legal advice and counselling to refugees and asylum seekers facing protection concerns in Nairobi at the HAIS Huduma Mtaani Clinics.
Refer cases with protection concerns to the protection associates to ensure their protection needs are addressed.
Support the Protection Officer in mapping of services and humanitarian needs.
Build and maintain relationships with community leaders, local authorities, and other stakeholders.
In collaboration with the local authorities, identify refugees and asylum seekers at heightened risk with specific needs, provide them with ad hoc immediate support, and refer them for specialized services as may be deemed appropriate.
Assist in the implementation of appropriate intervention for refugees at risk through activities such as emergency shelter placement etc.
Assist with the translation services for refugees in the community during activities as may be required.
Assist in the mobilization of community members for community forums and sensitization campaigns in the community.
Provide weekly and monthly reports and data highlighting individual performance, progress against targets and client needs.
Under direct assistance of the protection officer and associate, provide training to beneficiary groups in: Refugee Rights & protection, legal documentation and other protection related issues as determined by the Program Supervisor
Attend regular staff meetings, trainings and other meetings as required and ensure regular personal development and supervision.
O – Level education certificate
Any other relevant training
Not less than three months' work experience, preferably with an NGO. Experience in the field of refugee protection and assistance is an added advantage.
Skills & Competencies
Basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Should be well integrated to the dynamics and needs of persons with specific needs (refugee community) within their areas.
Good working knowledge of the community needs and gaps
Ability to work with members of the community with little or no supervision
Computer literacy
Strong communication and interpersonal skills
Strong counselling skills
Strong training skills in community development and working with PSNs will be an added advantage.
Knowledge in Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP)
Knowledge in Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA)
Proficiency in English or Kiswahili and either, Luganda, Kinyamulenge, French, Somali, Amharic, Tigrinya, Oromo, Nuer, Dinka,Kinyarwanda and Persian or any other major language spoken within the refugee community.
Must reside in Kitengela, Umoja, Kayole, Kasarani, Kawangware, Eastleigh, Kangemi or Rongai